10 Principles of Landscape Design

Balance & Proportion: This principle ensures a sense of visual harmony and order. Elements should be arranged and sized in a way that feels pleasing to the eye.

Scale & Mass:  Consider the scale of the house and surrounding environment. Large elements should balance large buildings, while smaller elements complement smaller structures.

Rhythm & Repetition:  Create a sense of flow and unity by repeating design elements throughout the landscape. This can be achieved through plant selection, hardscape materials, or pathways.

Line & Form:  Lines (straight, curved, or diagonal) and shapes (geometric or organic) can be used to guide the eye, create focal points, and define different areas within the landscape.

Unity & Cohesion:   All the elements in your landscape design should work together to create a unified and aesthetically pleasing whole.

Function & Use:  Consider how the space will be used. Design elements should be functional and meet the needs of the homeowner, such as creating areas for entertaining, relaxation, or play.

Transition & Connection:  Create smooth transitions between different areas of the landscape.  Use pathways, plantings, or changes in elevation to connect different spaces.

Focal Point:   A focal point is an element that draws the eye. This could be a sculpture, water feature, or a stunning tree.

Sustainability & Low Maintenance:  Choose plants and materials that are adapted to your climate and require minimal maintenance, promoting water conservation and a healthy ecosystem.

Personal Style & Creativity:  Incorporate your personal style and preferences into the design. The landscape should reflect your taste and how you want to use the outdoor space.